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Tinderbox on Master for Linux - Build # 8359 - Fixed:

Changes for Build #8346
[caolanm] Related: rhbz#1287593 subissue 6, get suitable hyperlink colors for dark

[caolanm] gtk3: we don't render whatever a CTRL_LISTNET is

[vmiklos] xmlsecurity: implement Certificate interface in

Changes for Build #8347
[caolanm] Related: rhbz#1287593 subissues 1 & 2, pick 'tab' suitable colors from

Changes for Build #8348
[jaragunde] GetActiveAccessibleCell: remove recently obsoleted IF clause

[Stephan Bergmann] -Werror,-Wunused-function

Changes for Build #8349
[Stephan Bergmann] Blind Windows fix attempt

Changes for Build #8350
[David Tardon] drop unused patch

Changes for Build #8351
[caolanm] Related: rhbz#1287593 issue 8, set a 'dark shadow' color based on the

Changes for Build #8352
[chris.sherlock79] vcl: include vcl headers via triangular brackets instead of quotes

Changes for Build #8353
[tml] We need to mention the vcl_opengl_blacklist here

Changes for Build #8354
[Katarina.Behrens] tdf#87813: Bugfix for the animations sidebar tab

Changes for Build #8355
[Samuel.Mehrbrodt] tdf#95857 Sort out German plurals ...

Changes for Build #8356
[caolanm] split the gtk2 and gtk2 gtkobjects

Changes for Build #8357
[mstahl] sw: don't crash if Office.Common/Cache/Writer/OLE_Objects set to 1

[mstahl] sw: unindent SwOLELRUCache::Load()

[mstahl] sw: ensure that configuration change in odfexporttest.cxx ...

[mstahl] sfx2: related tdf#56270: loss of embedded objects imported from DOCX

[mstahl] sw,sfx2: assert that embedded object supports XEmbedPersist

Changes for Build #8358
[caolanm] nClipRegionType is always SAL_OBJECT_CLIP_INCLUDERECTS

[caolanm] SAL_OBJECT_CLIP_EXCLUDERECTS is never used

[caolanm] SAL_OBJECT_CLIP_ABSOLUTE is never used

[caolanm] this GetClipRegionType is always SAL_OBJECT_CLIP_INCLUDERECTS

[caolanm] op is always SAL_OBJECT_CLIP_INCLUDERECTS

[caolanm] nothing needs GetClipRegionType or uses SAL_OBJECT_CLIP_INCLUDERECTS now

Changes for Build #8359
[caolanm] gtk3: only available since 3.12.0

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