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Tinderbox on Master for Windows - Build # 5339 - Failure:

Changes for Build #5339
[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help  fb51528b9c0528e6b8627d6a0bc086cc6b41db69

[caolanm] svp: refactor for reuse

[caolanm] svp: implement drawTransformedBitmap via cairo

[caolanm] svp: draw polygons with cairo where possible

[caolanm] svp: like quartz implement ROP_INVERT via difference

[caolanm] avoid Mouse Not Captured warning

[caolanm] svp: implement other invert variant

[caolanm] svp: draw polypolygons with cairo where possible

[caolanm] svp: draw rectangles with cairo where possible

[caolanm] svp: merge duplicates to releaseCairoContext

[caolanm] svp: emulate XOR in cairo paths when necessary

[caolanm] svp: improve cairo polygon drawing now that more routes through it

[caolanm] svp: reroute setPixel through cairo path

[caolanm] reroute line drawing through cairo path

[caolanm] svp: route another drawBitmap variant through cairo

[caolanm] drop newly unused m_aDrawMode now

[caolanm] merge ApplyPaintMode into getCairoContext

[caolanm] fix a crash found in passing

[caolanm] svp: route copyBits through cairo

[caolanm] svp: route copyArea through cairo

[caolanm] route other drawBitmap through cairo

[caolanm] svp: vcl and cairo have a difference of opinion on fg/bg of 1bit masks

[caolanm] refactor to reuse

[caolanm] svp: implement getBitmap via cairo

[caolanm] svp: implement getPixel via cairo

[caolanm] tweak drawLine in face of 1bit behavior

[caolanm] svp: replace basebmp surfaces with native cairo surfaces

[caolanm] gtk3: SpinButtons button area isn't always part of the ControlRegion

[caolanm] svp: implement drawMask via cairo

[caolanm] drop unneeded headers

[caolanm] don't need basebmp ClipDevice or DamageTracking now

[caolanm] drop now unused basebmp xor mode

[caolanm] cppcheck: useInitializationList

[caolanm] cppcheck: copyCtorPointerCopying

[caolanm] cppcheck: nullPointer

[caolanm] cppcheck: doubleFree

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