Callgrind Linux - Build # 849 - Fixed:
Changes for Build #844
[Samuel.Mehrbrodt] tdf#95845 Use CommandInfoProvider to receive UNO command labels
[erack] do it right and remove then superfluous mumbo-jumbo
[erack] it's unnecessary to buffer the string to create a string from it again
[chris.sherlock79] vcl: change ImplFontMetricData to be reference counted via intrusive_ptr
[chris.sherlock79] vcl: fixup prefixes for ImplFontMetricDataPtr variables
[vmiklos] sd: use ScopeGuard in Outliner::SearchAndReplaceAll()
Changes for Build #845
[David Tardon] move def. of liblangtag inc. path to configure
[David Tardon] allow ext. projects to depend on liblangtag
[David Tardon] upload libetonyek 0.1.6
Changes for Build #846
[chris.sherlock79] vcl: reorganize ImplFontMetric to same layout as ImplFontMetricData
[chris.sherlock79] vcl: allow doxygen to see boost::intrusive_ptr
Changes for Build #847
[erack] handle negative decimal places for rounding, tdf#96918 related
[erack] unit test for negative decimal places rounding, tdf#96918 related
[erack] use getN10Exp(x) instead of pow(10.0,x)
[erack] use ::std::swap() to reverse buffer
Changes for Build #848
[erack] grml.. stupid oversight..
Changes for Build #849
[erack] use ROUND(...,10) on function results for General format
Check console output at to view the results.
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