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Tinderbox on Master for Windows - Build # 4618 - Still Failing:

Changes for Build #4614
[erack] tdf#34449 : ability of deleting borders of a cell from adjacent cell

[vmiklos] tdf#96250 desktop: empty str is the same as 0 str in

[tml] unused Picture::Type()

Changes for Build #4615
[philipz85] Breeze Icons: add displaymode_** icons

[philipz85] tdf#81475 Improvements to writer's toolbars

[philipz85] tdf#91909 Add shortcuts to slide navigation

[philipz85] tdf#84909 Improvements to impress and draw toolbars

[vmiklos] DOC import: tokenize smart-tag bookmark offsets/sizes

[tml] Do turn on GL_BLEND for the GLyphy crack

Changes for Build #4616
[andras.timar] svg-export: added a new bullet type

[Stephan Bergmann] No, "rtl::Reference<VclStatusListener<Button>> mpStatusListener;" is

[Stephan Bergmann] Avoid -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow

Changes for Build #4617
[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:defaultparams

[erack] fix build, don't pass int as sal_uInt16, tdf#34449 follow-up

Changes for Build #4618
[andras.timar] svg-export: fix wrong conflict resolution

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