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Tinderbox on Master for Windows - Build # 3505 - Still Failing:

Changes for Build #3504
[Noel Grandin] stoc: tdf#88206 replace cppu::WeakImplHelper* etc.

[Noel Grandin] svl: tdf#88206 replace cppu::WeakImplHelper*

[Noel Grandin] slideshow: tdf#88206 replace cppu::WeakImplHelper* etc.

[tml] WaE: implicit conversion of literal of type 'int' to 'bool'

[tml] WaE: not necessary to pass this argument, it defaults to the same value

[vmiklos] tdf#93884 windows opengl: make space around cached glyphs depend on font size

Changes for Build #3505
[caolanm] only one use of ScPrivatSplit, and that's for vertical split

[caolanm] cppcheck: redundantPointerOp

[caolanm] cppcheck: redundantCondition

[caolanm] cppcheck: operatorEqVarError

[caolanm] cppcheck: noExplicitCopyMoveConstructor

[caolanm] cppcheck: noExplicitConstructor

[caolanm] WaE: -Werror, -Wunused-private-field

[caolanm] svx: tdf#88206 replace cppu::WeakImplHelper* etc.

[erack] let's follow our pseudo-hungarian notation

[Stephan Bergmann] Fix harmless, historic mis-merge

[laszlo.nemeth] tdf#92357 clear tab type switcher button of ruler

[erack] TableRef: add entire header range to dirty list on address notification

[erack] TableRef: add a comment why we need a full check anyway

[erack] TableRef: introduce InvalidateTableColumnNames()

[erack] TableRef: call InvalidateTableColumnNames() whenever they are invalidated

[erack] assert Notify() without container

[erack] TableRef: move swap to empty names to InvalidateTableColumnNames()

[erack] TableRef: prefer internal table column name over header cell content

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