I forgot to mention, this issue affects old, already translated strings.
"LET" has been recently changed to "ZEZWALAJ" in Master, but in
libo_ui-24-8-formulamessages-pl.po it's still msgstr "LET".
"#7¾ (Monarch) Envelope" propagated to "Koperta #7¾ (Monarch)", but in
libo_ui-24-8-svxmessages-pl.po it's still msgstr "Koperta (Monarch) #7¾".
As a workaround, propagated strings need to be manually altered and then
properly translated.
From the changelog of Weblate 5.10 (latest version): "Translation
propagation sometimes did not work as expected."
Adam Rak
pon., 17 lut 2025 o 19:01 Christian Lohmaier <lohmaier@googlemail.com>
On Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 5:57 PM Adam Rak <kitynska@gmail.com> wrote:
Propagated strings are only getting translated in Weblate's UI, but not
the PO files. Updating Weblate to the latest stable version may fix this
Do you have any concrete examples for that? Only instance I'm aware of
was with the 25-2 branch where some translations weren't committed,
but if you have other examples, please mention them concretely.
There's no point in just hoping that a new weblate version will
magically solve stuff if it hasn't been determined to be an actual
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