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Hi Andy,

On Sun, Jan 26, 2025 at 7:25 PM Andy Flagg
<> wrote:

As a developer and test developer,

Is there a way to locally compile libreoffice with my .po files for items
that are out of my control (menu UI items) and see if they work?

Not sure what you mean with "out of your control" - if you want to see
whether a string is translatable or not, it is easiest to do so with
the key-ID language (qtz) - that adds a short hash to all strings, and
you could also search for those hashes in weblate.

If there is weblate documentation to support my goals, that would be great.

That's not really related to weblate, but we're using a separate
repository on github where weblate can submit frequently, and another
one on our gerrit instance that is used for the actual build.
Before copying the files from the weblate repo to our translations
repo, the files go through some sanity checks/enforced checks (using
pocheck from the core repository), and for example also obsolete
strings (those flagged with #~ in the po files) are removed and
everything is also run through msguniq to make sure there's no "noise"
in the files due to different line-breaks for example.

So if you want to build with the latest weblate files, then you need
to pull from and
copy those to the translations submodule of your checkout

Alternatively you could also download the files using weblate's UI,
but then you'd have to do that for the UI and Help projects
separately, and then also have to unzip the files, but of course
that's also an option, and certainly easier if you already know you
only need a specific file and not all of them.

Weblate is also configured to push after 24h and squash (combine)
changes done within that timeframe into a single one, however how
exactly that squashing works did change in recent versions, so now the
github repo gets more individual commits.



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