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hey, thanks for reply. i think you guys or me misunderstanding us:

he wanted replace/disable/archiv/delete the old one.

and he wants to have *only the new one*. so he archived the old one, but
could not anymore work with the new one.

hopefully now clear what he wants. if not just write/ask me again ...

i have no permission (-> idk => idc = want i have permission => nope) so
i can't tell you guys, who's doing where, what, :D. might be his doing
smtg false ... but who knows, ;).


On 11/15/2020 2:22 AM, Batmunkh Dorjgotov wrote:

Би уг нь хуучнаа устгуулах гэсэн юм. Гэхдээ миний хуучин extension-г
шинээр сольсон байсан, тэгэхээр нь хуучин extension ээ архивлачихсан,
одоо шинээ эргүүлээд удирдах гэтэл эрхгүй болсон байна.


On 11/15/2020 10:21 AM, Heiko Tietze wrote:
The extension was archived for some reason. I put it back to life.
Btw. Batmunkh has two extension online, apparently one spellchecker with English
description the other in Mongolian.

On 14.11.20 22:18, Battsengel Ichinnorov wrote:

the person answered me again and asking me, why in his account still
nothing changed, :). idk -> idc but want still help, :).

can you check it please? please see below what he wanted to have? can
not be so difficult to do or?

thanks and best regards


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Battsengel Ichinnorov

Helene-Mayer-Ring 10
App. 1415
80809 München

Mobil:+49 179 74 70 394

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