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Hi all

Our Help must document new/changed features in the software, notably the
UI changes. Despite the efforts, a backlog exist.

Too often, an update in Master Help pages is also valid for the current
release Help page. Why not update the release Help page with valid
information coming from the master pages?

We can't: STRING FREEZE !!!!

So, let's stop with this nonsense.

There are many Master Help pages updates valid for release 6.4. They
will slip to August 2020...

because of Dec 2019's STRING FREEZE !!!

A 6 month delay for nothing. Nonsense.

Our translation tools (Weblate, and before that, Pootle) makes easy to
take a snapshot of the translation and insert into the release. Updates
in Help as well as new translations are easily ported between branches.


Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Comunidade LibreOffice
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00

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