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Hi  Valter,

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 9:26 PM Valter Mura <>

Hi All

Pootle indicates there is a critical error in the indicated string. It
seems that </caseinline> is missing

yes and no.. In this case having it empty conveys some meaning (no string
when OS is Mac), but self-closing caseinline is should not be used in
xmlhelp. But IIRC there's a quirk when extracting strings that wouls
convert »<caseinline select="MAC"></caseinline>«  to just »<caseinline

In any case, having it empty for mac is wrong, as there is shortcut for
fullsceen on mac as well. (control+command+f)

the translated string with both <caseinline .. /> and </caseinline> is
wrong and invalid xml, there is no opening tag for the second one.


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