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Hi Andras,

I don't have the skills (I wish I did) of doing that but thanks for explaining how the process works. Which raises the question though of how ownCloud selects the languages it offers. Is there a list somewhere?


Sgrìobh Andras Timar na leanas 28/05/2016 aig 22:07:
Have you tried LO Online? Of course you can build and install it yourself, but probably it is easier to try the CODE VM ( In CODE VM LO Online is integrated with ownCloud. ownCloud provides the cloud storage backend for LO Online, in this case. So, with my patch, it will be possible to use the language that the user set in ownCloud. I think it makes a lot of sense. In this case, language selection is in ownCloud settings. Loading the LO Online iframe with the lang parameter gives the chance to integrators to change the UI language. Note: it does not work in CODE VM at the moment, it will get this update later.

Naturally, localized LO Online is only possible, if the strings are translated. Incomplete translations will result in mixed English/localized UI, just like in desktop LO.

Best regards,

*Akerbeltz <>*
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