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You are right. But since I'm already on 100% error free that allows me to
catch errors I make. Every release I catch about 10-20 new errors I
unintentionally make trough those.
Dana 3. 5. 2014. 05:48 osoba "Adolfo Jayme Barrientos" <>
napisala je:

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 7:03 AM, Mihovil Stanic <>
If I have to choose, keep old system where all dismissed errors are
transfered to new branch.

4.2 branch l10n became active in november 2013. That is almost 6 months
Whoever wanted to translate it 100% and clear all errors, already did
It's less damage to have same error re-appear in finished 4.2 with which
most translators will have minimum contact with, then in 4.3 where you
to mark them all as NON error all over again.

Please don't force us to do meaningless work.
Here you can see what are those errors. 4.1 was 100% error free before

To be honest, as a translator and Pootle user, I’ve never seen the
benefit of removing all the error checks. Why? It’s super simple:
Pootle is software and as such it can’t know whether its checks are
correct and valid.

Checks are automated, and do not affect the actual functioning of the
PO files (well, except some “critical” ones), and in most cases are
wrong. For example, for Spanish I’ve been replacing all the English
quotation marks with French ones (« and »). Every time I do this for a
string, a Pootle error check is triggered and added to it, warning me
that the quotation marks do not match the English string. Of course,
my change is intentional and the check is useless, so I ignore it.

You should only work in “critical” tags and others that are
meaniingful for your language, and the checks sent by Cloph, that
actually AFFECT LibreOffice’s functioning. Don’t try to achieve an
“error-clean” Pootle folder; it simply is not worth the effort. And
the fact that Pootle doesn’t preserve its string checks’ state means
(to me) that checks are just AN AID, a guideline for translators, and
that’s it.


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