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Op Do, 2012-01-05 om 10:31 +0100 skryf Juan Pablo Martínez Cortés:
Hi Friedel,
  Thanks your your ideas! You are completely right that it is not the
optimal solution in most cases, and I don't recommend it in general
(except perhaps for other languages where Apertium works well, and
with small translating communities prefering online translation, if
any other language matches this conditions).
  In our case:
a) Apertium is not enabled just now on the Pootle server (I think it
was till some weeks ago).
b) In the case of Aragonese, I am coincidentally the main developer of
the Apertium es-an pair.  I took profit of the .po files to include
new terms in Apertium dictionaries, commiting changes to the Apertium
svn, but those changes will not be available immediately in the
Apertium web service, so I can take profit to improve the translator
and use the most recent version to improve the total translation,
letting it available for the comunity.
c) My idea to overcome problems with changes in English strings is to
repeat periodically the process: 1-download the .zip files from
pootle, 2-retranslate fuzzy and unstranslated strings with the very
last version of apertium mt and 3 -upload the files with the new
translations (which affect all fuzzy strings regardless of the cause
for its fuzzyness), repeating this process periodically, especially
when big changes in English strings or big improvement in Apertium

Ok, it looks like a good workflow for your circumstances. The only issue
I see is that you will always loose fuzzy strings when you retranslate
using Apertium. As long as people on your team know that nothing
important must be left as fuzzy, it can probably work well for your

Good luck with the work!


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