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El sábadu, 11-avientu-2010 a les 12:30 +0200, Rimas Kudelis escribió:

After doing that, I've also noticed that there's an updated instruction 
about using different languages in wiki at Among other 
things, it suggests that the top-level locale pages should be called instead of I suggest all teams 
to actually follow this advice and update their content/links appropriately.
OMG! I just did the opposite for Asturian language a few days ago! For
me, it makes more sense the
schema, but I understood that, because wiki structure, it could be
easier to have interwiki links using the schema... Just in case, I
left a redirection in the previous place ;)

Now, I'm totally confused. Which schema should be used? We need to have
consensus on this before further translation of wiki contents.

More opinions?

Best regards,



Xuacu Saturio

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