Calc Solvers Info Doc/wiki page Re: Calc solvers - what to say in the Calc Guide


Adding The Documentation ML to the thread.
Quick recap for the folks on the list:
Currently the LibreOffice wiki includes under the FAQs section a
question on Calc Solvers.
The answer in the second sentence, for languages other then French,
refer the user back to the AOO wiki for information specific to the
NLSolver extension from Sun Microsystems. That answer page also refers
the user to API information via the AOO SDK.

The French language answer points to a copy (it appears) of that page
translated to French but hosted on the LibreOffice wiki.

So - drafted a LibreOffice specific version of the information found
on the AOO wiki.
This draft adds information to cover the five solver engines which
ship with the TDF baseline LibreOffice code (including the coming

The latest update to the draft

There is one final change I'd like to make and that is the example; I
would like to switch the basic code out for an example that uses the
spreadsheet and model used in the data analytics section of the Calc
Guide. I'll be working on that tonight.

Otherwise - any review of the current state of the document is most
welcome. At the moment the file is in my private storage space on the
NC server; I would prefer to move it to the shared documentation
folder but wasn't sure where to put it?

