Calc Guide, Chapter 9, Data Analysis


I'm currently focusing on the chapter's introduction, and it looks like it could use some trimming down and revising to get it in line with the style guide. That said, since I'm new to the team, and not the chapter author, I'm hesitant on making any significant structural edits. Can anyone clarify what the etiquette is for this situation? Should I just stick to small edits and comments?

Steve, since you're the author, are you fine with edits from me, or would you prefer that I just leave comments?


Hi Zach

We can use 2 techniques: Comments and Track Changes

For track changes, please fill you name in Tools - Options - LibreOffice
- User data .

Then enable track changes (if not already enabled) and add your changes.

This way, your changes/suggestions will be tracked with your name, and
will be revised later.
