An alternative LibreOffice themed document template

Also on the subject of style templates for TDF publications I played around
with going the opposite direction from what seemed apparent in the LO6
chapter template. Where the OOo custom styles are dropped and standard
styles with LO custom settings used.

So what I did is I took chapter 8 from the version 4.1 Calc Guide, the only
file from the ODFAuthors site's published folder named as a feedback file
would be, and I renamed each and everyone of the OOoxxxx styles to a
Liboxxxx style.

After that I merged the changes for the default styles from the current LO6
chapter template.

Then saved the result as LO62_Chapter_template. That file btw is available,
for the next 7 days, from this URL

So I can think of reasons either choice makes sense - or really I think it
might make sense to keep two types of template files on hand. One very
specifically for a book series and one for general TDF themed

Anyway, it was I did with some of my and a little bit of TDF resources
