Draw 7.1 Help - Insert Text Box


Following question "Text box in Libre Draw" https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/314451/text-box-in-libre-draw/?comment=314468#post-id-314468 , could the page be modified to include the method of inserting the text box by using the menu.

The current Help menu 7.1 https://help.libreoffice.org/latest/en-GB/text/sdraw/guide/text_enter.html?DbPAR=DRAW#bm_id3153144 shows just the Colibre icon to add a text box, however some icon sets, such as Breeze or Galaxy use a "T" instead of the "A" shown. Given the differences in icon sets it would be better if using the menu were the primary method.

Could the Help be edited to read:

    Adding a Text Box


    Click *Insert - Text box (F2)* or click icon Icon and move the mouse
    pointer to where you want to enter the text box.


Alistair Saywell