Guides bookshelf

Hi Doc team

If you visit the website you'll notice the recent books have now a "Read in your browser" link to a page that opens in a new browser tab

These pages are the guides exported to HTML for reading in your favorite browser and even in a tablet.

To continue in this avenue very little is needed in the current authoring process of the guides, with the exception of minor changes in the current 7.x chapter template.

I added a draft template in Nextcloud in the folder

LibreOffice Documentation/English/Contributor Resources/

with comments inside.

I'll appreciate we consider these changes right away.

Below the rationale (from the meeting minutes) of the work I'm carrying.


+ Bookshelf project (Proof of concept in progress) (OH)
     + Publish Guides as static HTML files
     + Aimed to be read in browser or tablets directly
     + Full guides with same formatting as book
        + except for page display
        + not a single word changed from published guide
     + Can also be installed in schools, colleges, libraries
         + organizations of any size,
         + Support for migration and deployment of LibreOffice
         + No server scripts, pure static files
     + take advantage of web technology: CSS, Javascript, HTML5
         + Open for dynamic reading
         + Voice reading
         + Local contents search
     + Skills needed
         + web page design
         + css, js, html
     + Some demands related to exporting Guides to HTML (olivier)
        + These request have no visual impact on PDF/ODT
        + On each chapter
   1) Set name the top image of chapter as "LibreOfficeLogo"
   2) set paragraph style of logo as "New Chapter"
   3) wrap logo paragraph in a section named "SEC_LOGO"
   4) wrap Guide name below logo in section of name "SEC_GUIDE"
   5) Wrap Title and Subtitle in a section named "SEC_TITLE"
   6) wrap from first Heading1 to end of documment in a section named "SEC_DISPLAYAREA"
       + do not include copyright matter
       + do not include Table of Contents
     Sample file:
     LibreOffice Documentation/Brazilian Portuguese/Guia de Introdução/7.0/Publicado/

So far, read online some guides at

Project team members wanted !

Kind regards