passing along another bug report from Bugzilla about a "dash" that should be "hyphen"

The following comes from:

This report is relative to Writer's Guide 5.2 and 6.0 (and I think it remains in 6.4).

The page numbers in this report are for Guide 5.2

"Controlling printing" page 293, then "Selecting pages/sheets/slides to print" section, "Printing a range of pages:" subsection.

or to page 7, "Selecting pages/sheets/slides to print" in subsubsection "Writer"

The text states exactly the following:

b) Enter the sequence numbers of the pages to print (for example, 1–4 or 1,3,7,11).

There is a dash between the 1 and 4 when there should be an hyphen between the 1 and 4. If you try to print a range of pages with a dash, you will not be able to print; you will not succeed.