A proposed book or reference card for LIbreOffice Base application programming...


I am currently learning how to create LibreOffice Base applications. I would have liked to find more documentation on attributes and methods available in the forms, and other information relevant to a macro programmer in LIbreOffice Base. I have created, and include in this mail, a writer document outlining what I would like to have found.( I use the Swedish version of LIbreOffice, so if you find any names or terms strange it's due to a bad translation into English. My bad in that case.)

The inspiration for my proposal is that I would like to write a macro that add lines to an table control, taking information from one table control with a list of government departments and on click displays a list of agencies under that department in another table control.

If I would create such a document, or participate in it's creation, do you agree that it would be a useful addition to the documentation or would I just be wasting my time? I would naturlally be less inclined to put in the hours if I would be the sole user...

I have a masters degree in computer science from the university of Umeaa, here in Sweden, and a master of education in computer science and physics from the same university.

I have written a master thesis in English, and a (not published) book on database administration and programming for high school students. The book was written in Swedish (on the request of my then pupils) and I used Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition and Access due to demands from my then employer.

With my best regards,

Peek here

Then take a look at this document


Might be helpful

Hi Sören,

I am currently learning how to create LibreOffice Base applications. I
would have liked to find more documentation on attributes and methods
available in the forms, and other information relevant to a macro
programmer in LIbreOffice Base. I have created, and include in this
mail, a writer document outlining what I would like to have found.( I
use the Swedish version of LIbreOffice, so if you find any names or
terms strange it's due to a bad translation into English. My bad in that

Did you download the Base Guide (
https://documentation.libreoffice.org/en/english-documentation/ )? There
is a chapter with more than 100 pages (in German original) about Macros
in Base.



Hi Sören,

You might also want to look at :


Roberto did have a website with useful tools and further documented
examples, but they seem to have disappeared, and his domain name now
takes you to some Chinese organisation...

The wayback internet archive still has his stuff though :

