Add names to guide status sheets on NextCloud

Hi All,

I have been in contact with Peter Schofield and have agreed to assist in
reviewing his rewriting of the Impress Guide for version 7. Looking over
the status sheet for this guide I see the initials for a number of
contributors, some (eg. PS & JHW) I recognise, but the others I cannot
put a name to. I propose that we all add our identity to the bottom of
any status sheet we update.


Hi Dave, and Team,

I have added my name (and initials) to the bottom of the Impress v.7 status
spreadsheet for clarity.

I also added Felipe's information as well!


  Samantha Hamilton
  darling docs

  <> <>[image:]

Hi Samantha,

Many thanks for doing that.
However I am proposing this for all team contributors who add their
initials to a guide status sheet, so I am seeking consensus or
alternative options from other contributors.

Best Regards

PS. I am subscribed to the list, so the cc. is unnecessary. :slight_smile:

Hello everyone,

Samantha, thanks for that!

Dave, I think it's a good idea, just did it in the Calc's Status Guide as

Best regards,
Felipe Viggiano

Hi Dave,

First, sorry for the cc... I just press "reply all" to make sure I catch
everyone in the email! Second, I think having the names at the bottom is a
grand idea. I see so many names pass through the email threads, it's nice
to quickly know whose initials are whose.


  Samantha Hamilton
  darling docs

  <> <>[image:]