Universal Accessibility (PDF/UA) check tool in LO 7


Here is the blog which describes what this new feature checks

The other day I ran a couple of chapters from the Calc Guide and was
quite surprised by the number of issues it flagged in each.

Five checks dominated the issues found:

No alt-text for images. None of the images had Alt-Text set.

Text conveys additional meaning with (direct) formatting - this fell
into two categories;
- 1st there were dozens of little chunks of texts (for example a
couple of letters in the middle of a word, and a bunch of single
spaces after sentences and before a style change) which have a direct
formatting tag on them.
- 2nd the coloring of text in code examples.

Insufficient contrast between text and the background. This was
prevalent in the screen shot images.

URL text. This is an interesting case because the check is for digital
files (PDF) and what is good for the screen reader is not necessarily
what is good for the paper document.

Anyway - perhaps the group should consider how this new tool could be
worked into the workflow.
