Minutes of the May 10th documentation meeting.

Wednesday May 10th 2017, 17:00 CET

* Presents: Olivier, Sophie, Jean Weber(offline), + anonymous(offline)

    * Guides
    * Help system

1) Planning ahead for LibreOffice 6.0 (Feb 2018)
   + Postponed

2) Getting started guide 5.3
   + Postponed

3) Calc Guide
   + Postponed
   + Issues for discussions:
       + Change of styles names
       + Gap of contents 4.1 to 5.4(6.0)

4) Writer guide
+ Status: Jean has been revising and updating this book.
+ Some chapter numbers have changed.
+ The Preface (on ODFAuthors) and the Task List (on the wiki) list the
latest ToC.
+ Draft chapters 1-8 are on ODFAuthors, ready for review.
+ Jean is working on chapters 9, 10, 11, which should be available soon.

5) Common Issues
   Next meeting: May 24th, 19:00h CET
        + HelpContent Module Guides content enrichment
             + Screenshots
             + Video links to stream servers (e.g. You Tube)
             + Other issues