Updating Getting Started to 5.2: Low hanging fruits

Hello Doc'Team!

Since Jean Weber published all chapters of Getting Started 5.1, we are
now ready to start updating the chapters for release 5.2

There are some really easy tasks to take:

*Very easy* (likely no changes between 5.1 and 5.2, but worth reading
Appendix A
Appendix B

*A bit more care when checking:*
Introducing LibreOffice
Styles and Templates
Creating web pages
Print, Export, Email
Graphics Gallery, Fontwork

*In-depth look on new features:*
Customizing LO

The list of new features are in (1).

Not every new feature need to be mentioned in a introductory text like
Getting Started. For example, the new Calc functions FORECAST.* is by
far too specific, but the new wildcard expressions worth very much to be
quoted, because it solves an old interop issue with Excel.

We delagate to your judgement what worth be quoted/updated or not, and
this list is the right place to discuss.

On updating the chapters, always activate the Track changes feature of
writer (IMPERATIVE).

The files are available in ODFAuthor website(2). Please access the 5.1
Published folder to grab your file to update.

And always tell us here on what chapter you are reviewing.

Happy documenting!

(1) https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/5.2
(2) http://www.odfauthors.org