Base Handbook - Reports

This is listed as Chapter 6 but does not exist in the page for downloading for review. Is there any indication when this chapter will be ready for review?


Peter Goggin

Hi :slight_smile:
Chapter 6 is still a work-in-progress and being worked on by Alan. Is it
possible to skip it and go onto a different chapter, maybe return to this
one later?

I think there is an awkward chunk in the middle that he and Hazel both
found tricky. When it was uncertain if this Handbook would ever get
reviewed and proof-read there were some fairly hefty concerns about whether
it might be best to just cut that chunk out or quite how to proceed.

Hopefully seeing you race through the chapters, and Gary now starting on
them too, will give Alan more confidence about 'just' doing his part of the
process instead of having to worry about how it will all look once

It sounded like cutting the chunk out would be a shame but might be the
only way to handle it for this release. That would mean there would be
more time to figure it out for a future release.

Perfection is an admirable goal but sometimes we have to settle for just
being excellent. Eventually, after many iterations or releases, each guide
becomes more and more perfect. This is only the 2nd iteration of this
Handbook so 'just' getting it out there at all is highly admirable and much

Regards from
Tom :slight_smile:

I have uploaded the revised version or the Queries chapter. I have included English screen shots aqt the end of the document, three for page 17 and two for page 18. I have not replaced the originals. For two of the shots (P18) the originals have an arrow pointing a field on the screen shot. I was not able to do this so I decided to add the new ones at the end.

I still cannot update the status in the task page. I will work on the macros chapter next. Could yo please mage the necessary changes to the task status page.


Peter Goggin

I have have made a mistake. I accidently uploaded the queries form and called Ch 4 forms. Can any one help me sort this out?

What should I do now?


Peter Goggin

Hi :slight_smile:
Jean solved this for you. I updated the sign-in/out sheet on the wiki;

Regards from
Tom :slight_smile: