question about Base-Handbuch passage

Hello Robert,

I have some questions about some of the new material that was added to v. 4.2 of the Base-Handbuch. There are a few sentences that I can't figure out how to translate.

My questions concern the section added onto the end of Chapter 6,"Reports," under the following headings. I've added numbers to the headings and subheadings to make it easier to refer to them.


*1. Beispiele für Berichte mit dem Report-Designer*

Der Report-Designer birgt einige Tücken in der Anwendung, da bestimmte Funktionen zwar grundsätzlich vorgesehen sind, aber zur Zeit nicht richtig funktionieren. Deshalb hier einige Beispiele, wie der Report-Designer für verschiedene Berichtstypen genutzt werden kann.

*1.1 Rechnungserstellung*


*1.2 Ausdruck von Berichten zum aktuellen Datensatz des Formulars*



The paragraph following Heading 1 states that the purpose of this section is to provide work-arounds for some of the functions of Base that currently don't work correctly because of unresolved bugs. And that's what subsection 1.1,"Rechnungserstellung,“ does. But I don't see that subsection 1.2, "Ausdruck von Berichten,“ does that. Does it describe a task that could be performed more simply if Base worked as intended? If not, does in belong under Heading 1?

The larger problem is that in general I don't understand what's going on in subsection 1.2.

First, is the word /Ausdruck/ from /ausdrucken/ (printout) or /Ausdruck/ from /ausdruecken/ (expression)?

Second, I don't understand what /Formular/ is being referred to. I understand that the procedure described involves using three Base functions -- a report, a form, and a query -- in conjunction with each other in order to create a invoice, but I don't understand how the three are supposed to interact with each other in the envisioned scenario. Would it be possible to provide a simpler, from-the-ground-up explanation of the circumstances in which a user would need to perform this task?

Thanks very much for your help. I imagine that some of these issues would be clearer to me if I understood Base better, or if my German was better, but as it is I'm stuck.


Hello Robert,

I have some questions about some of the new material that was added to
v. 4.2 of the Base-Handbuch. There are a few sentences that I can't
figure out how to translate.

My questions concern the section added onto the end of Chapter
6,"Reports," under the following headings. I've added numbers to the
headings and subheadings to make it easier to refer to them.


*1. Beispiele für Berichte mit dem Report-Designer*

Der Report-Designer birgt einige Tücken in der Anwendung, da bestimmte
Funktionen zwar grundsätzlich vorgesehen sind, aber zur Zeit nicht
richtig funktionieren. Deshalb hier einige Beispiele, wie der
Report-Designer für verschiedene Berichtstypen genutzt werden kann.

*1.1 Rechnungserstellung*


*1.2 Ausdruck von Berichten zum aktuellen Datensatz des Formulars*



The paragraph following Heading 1 states that the purpose of this
section is to provide work-arounds for some of the functions of Base
that currently don't work correctly because of unresolved bugs. And
that's what subsection 1.1,"Rechnungserstellung,“ does. But I don't see
that subsection 1.2, "Ausdruck von Berichten,“ does that. Does it
describe a task that could be performed more simply if Base worked as
intended? If not, does in belong under Heading 1?

It does belong under Heading 1, because it is an example, too. The first
sentence after heading 1 is misleading. Only "Rechnungserstellung" is an
example with many workarounds for functions, which where planned but
doesn't work.

The introduction for "Beipiele für Berichte ..." should express:
- There are functions planned, that didn't work, and many people are
searching for workarounds.
- Examples are needed to show workaround for this functions.
- Examples are needed to show how the Report-Builder works.

The larger problem is that in general I don't understand what's going on
in subsection 1.2.

First, is the word /Ausdruck/ from /ausdrucken/ (printout) or /Ausdruck/
from /ausdruecken/ (expression)?

It's a printout from the form. From the form should be read the
primarykey for the data. So you could print the special data from a form
including the subform.

Second, I don't understand what /Formular/ is being referred to. I
understand that the procedure described involves using three Base
functions -- a report, a form, and a query -- in conjunction with each
other in order to create a invoice, but I don't understand how the three
are supposed to interact with each other in the envisioned scenario.
Would it be possible to provide a simpler, from-the-ground-up
explanation of the circumstances in which a user would need to perform
this task?

It is for printing a bill. Could be I have to describe it a little bit
better. I have only taking some functions from a planning for lessons in
scool. I will add some screenshots in Handbuch V4.4 to describe it a
little bit better.

