Merry Christmas and Brazilian LibreOffice Magazine

Hi :slight_smile:
Eliane Domingos de Sousa wanted to wish people in the LibreOffice
Community a happy Christmas and made a card and everything but it
never got further than the marketing lists so i am forwarding it to
you because you have all earned it!!

Italian translations of the card are here

So, happy christmas all! Something funny i find about all this is
that none of the supposedly Christian people i know of seem to be
making much effort this year but i've had cards from Buhdists, Jews,
Moslems, Hindus and others. To be fair, at Diwali this year i saw
quite a few that probably haven't been Hindus for long either. I
think we should all celebrate each others special days and the more
the better, right? Anyway, happy christmas! :slight_smile:
Regards from
Tom :slight_smile: