chapter 1

<span style="font-size:10pt;"><p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;">I have a tendency to edit most everything I read at least subconsciously. &nbsp;</p><p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;">In part, I also wanted to make sure that the objective is to produce a better document rather than to mollify egos. &nbsp;In part, I wanted to demonstrate my legitimacy as a writer editor. &nbsp;&nbsp;Is there configuration management to control the day-to-day changes?</p><p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;">&nbsp;</p><dev3_jjy>T-Mobile. America's First Nationwide 4G Network.</dev3_jjy><br><br>------ Original message ------<br><b>From:&nbsp;</b>Tom Davies <><br><b>Date:&nbsp;</b>09/13/2013 03:27<br><b>To:&nbsp;</b>Jean Weber;Don Welty;<br><b>Cc:&nbsp;</b>;<br><b>Subject:</b>Re: [libreoffice-documentation] chapter 1<br><br><pre>Hi :slight_smile:
I agree with most of that except

1. &nbsp;Most non-mathematicians seem to mean xor when they say &quot;or&quot;. &nbsp;So for most people &quot;A or B&quot; excludes &quot;A and B&quot; happening a the same time. &nbsp;
2. &nbsp;without spaces on both side of &nbsp;&quot;/&quot; it makes things a little cramped and difficult to read. &nbsp;Also does;
Technical writers&rsquo;/power users&rsquo;
so that writers and power are interchangeable there or should
&quot;Technical writers&quot;
be put in speech marks or something to keep the 2 words together and similarly with &quot;Power users&quot;? &nbsp;I think it might be best to swap out the / and replace with an &quot;or&quot; or an &quot;and/or&quot; &nbsp;

However, one of the advantages with wiki-editing is that
1. &nbsp;People are free to re-edit later
2. &nbsp;you can experiment and if it looks right then keep it, there is even a &quot;preview&quot; option that can help with experimentation
3. &nbsp;people can look at the history to see changes and see how things are developing

So, i think just &quot;go for it&quot;. &nbsp;All your ideas have merit and almost all are things i either agree with or don't mind either way. &nbsp;So it's almost always an improvement imo. &nbsp;As Jean says, go for it :slight_smile: &nbsp;
Regards from
Tom :slight_smile: &nbsp;

maybe it's just me but the following really complicates things.