Cover art for v4.x books

I don't know who to credit for the cover art for the v4.x books. Can someone please tell me?

(No speculation, please; just the facts.)


Hi Jean,

I don't know who to credit for the cover art for the v4.x books. Can someone please tell me?

You and me made the cover for the 4.x books.
The 4.0 cover has its base on the 3.x covers. The names are written there (Drew, Christoph, Jean, k-j).
I took the graphic of the half circle from the 4.0 starting website (created by Camille Moulin and some others). But they didn't create the cover or parts of them. We didn't mention in our books the one who made the motif (Nik) or the icon creators, which we use in 3.x, so I won't mention all graphical or web designers for the cover (my personal opinion).

(No speculation, please; just the facts.)

If you need the whole names of the creators of the half circle you should ask Charles.