Getting Started Chapter 11, Graphics, Gallery and Fontwork


From Hazel

    p.304. Adding images. First sentence is confusing; inserting from a
    file is mentioned twice. Better would be "by inserting an image
    directly...from a scanner, from a file..." Or the section "from a file
    stored on your computer," could be deleted.

From Tim

    Page 306 "Inserting an image using the scanner", 2nd line should start "insert" rather than "inserted"

    Page 310 Deleting a theme..." change "You can delete only themes" to "You can only delete themes"?

    Page 312 Figure 307. Points 11 & 16 are in a smaller font than the rest of the numbers

    Page 317 Line Options - Line 3 contains "Use Lines Styles" which should be "Use Line Styles"

    Page 318 Change Anchor - The "A" in A *nchor* is not bold (not sure whether my highlight will make it in the sent email)

Thanks both of you. I've corrected these points in the stand-alone chapter and will post to ODF Authors later.


This chapter now on ODF Authors, Getting Started Feedback folder
