Chapter 9: Working with tables

Rather a lot here!

p.268. "Another, perhaps better example..." should be "Another, perhaps
better, example..."

p.273. "If the table width already extends pasts..."
Bad table at bottom of page: i) & j) should be a) & b)

p. 274. " only affect..." should be " affect only...". The
comma after "cell" in the same sentence is not necessary.

p.275. "substituting" should be "replacing"

p.278. d) at the top of the page should be a bullet. e) should be d).

p.283. "To display a cell's formula..." ASCII apostrophe.
In the first list on this page we have "check mark", in the second
"checkmark". Caution. "Unlike Calc..." should be "Unlike in Calc..."

p.285. "...independently of the sub heading..." should be
"...independently of the sub-heading..." List at the bottom: "As Page
Style creates a reference of..." should be "...reference to...". Also
in this list "caption's" occurs twice with an ASCII apostrophe.

p.286. Note. "Figure 12" is text. Should be a field pointing to Fig 290.

p.290. Line Style is not described as a split button, but it has an
arrow beside it in the figure on the previous page. Ditto for Borders.
Ditto for Optimize.