Draw Guide and a new Text chapter


Now that I am on the last chapter "Advanced Draw Techniques" I have
discovered that the section on text does not explain fully the text
capabilities of Draw. The solution to overcome this problem is to create a
new chapter with the title of "Adding and Formatting Text" which will be
similar in layout to the Impress Guide Chapter 3 Adding and Formatting Text.
However, Impress has more text functions than Draw, which is why I have
suggested this new chapter for Draw.

To make the flow of information go in a logical flow, it would be best to
make this text chapter as Chapter 9 Adding and Formatting Text. This will
mean renumbering Chapter 9 Advanced Draw Techniques back to its old
numbering of Chapter 10.

Please let me know what you think. I should have looked at the text section
more closely, but my oversight is easily remedied.



Sounds like a good plan to me. Thank you!
