Dear Srs.I have problems in order to download "LibreOffice 3.4 Getting
Started".-I have payed with my credit card so succefull results but
system call me about that:"PLEASE CHEK YOUR INTERNET CONEXION".- Could
you give a hand?.
Thank you in advance,yours Fernando Espinosa ramirez.

Where did you buy this book? We don't sell them, but you can buy them
in the Ubuntu software center and other places. If you cannot download
from the place you bought it, you can can get a free copy here:


Hi :slight_smile:
Yes, a few 3rd party sites do sell the books.  I think there is at least 1 that sells the printed books and delivers them through postal services.

It's all allowed within the copyright terms the writers chose (a Creative Commons license), as long as the prices are reasonable.  Hmmm, possibly even if the charges are unreasonable but that might be a bit cheeky and in those cases we might want to help people find other sites more easily.  There is some expectation that sites would send some small percentage of the profits to TDF or to one of the local users groups or to promote LibreOffice or something else that we would be happy with.  The main aim is to distribute widely.

So, it would be good for us to know where you were getting the guide from but more out of curiosity than anything else.  Obviously don't give us any credit card details or personal info !

I don't think we can get the money back for you but we can, of course, give you access to the Free originals including the pre-releases

So, you can get all the 3.4 guides from there and/or some of the 3.5 ones.  The 3.5 "Getting Started Guide" is not quite ready but you can get the individual chapters that are completed.

Regards from
Tom :slight_smile: