Many replies from me on one thread, and some questions

Hi team,
Sorry about the flood of notes from me today on the "brainstorming"
thread. If you go through them, please understand that each of mine
replies to a different note from the list; they are not all

I am still looking at Alfresco & its features and trying to decide
what my considered opinion is on moving back to it or not.

Would like to hear from other regular contributors: PeterS, Dan, etc.
Hazel, I think your objections (with which I agree) can be met within
Alfresco without too much drama, but I'd like to hear from you about
the value to you of changed date-and-initials on filenames of working


I put my initials and the date on stuff I edit for the ODF site,
but I am quite happy with the idea of not doing that, provided that the site software can keep track of versioning.

As to workflow, I need to know when there's something for me to do.
That means either Jean gives me a "nudge" through the mailing list, or
there is a folder for stuff awaiting proofreading which I can check
once a week. I don't want just to muck in and try something because I
did that in the early days with ODF and I quite often ended up
duplicating someone else's work.