Calc Guide Chapter 9:Data analysis

p.224. "how to use Calc's". Straight ASCII apostrophe. There's a split infinitive in this sentence too but I can't see any way of removing it without awkwardness.

p.225. last paragraph but one "If you are continuously working with the same range...". I think this should be formatted as a tip.

p.226. "Brigitte's sales". Straight ASCII quotes.

p.232. "See page 232" Self-reference!

Hi :slight_smile:
"And bravely split infinitives that no-one had split before" (HHGttG)
Regards from
Tom :slight_smile:

Thanks, Hazel. I will get all these corrections (and the ones you will
find in later chapters) into the book and a revised PDF published,
even though I'll be on the road. I should have good internet access
where I'm going... though not a lot of time to take advantage of it.
