I'll be "on the road" for 5 weeks

I'm going a-conferencing (four conferences interspersed with visits to
friends and family) from this Thursday, 12 July; back in Australia on
15 August. I'll be travelling with laptop etc, and mostly staying in
places with (good, I hope) internet access, so I'll be keeping up as
best I can with what you lot are doing.

I'm starting with the Community Leadership Summit, where I hope to
learn lots of good ideas about building and maintaining a great team.
I'll feed back as much of this info to you as I can, but I'll probably
get overly enthusiastic about it all. :slight_smile:

Then OSCON, the great geek festival, where I'll be mostly following
the "Community" stream and wandering around in my nice new LibreOffice
t-shirts handing out pamphlets. Oh, and attending the parties, and
helping out at the OSI (Open Source Initiative) stand.

After a break with friends in Seattle, I'm off to the NewSpace
Conference in Santa Clara, CA; then more time with friends; then on to
the final conference, OpenHelp, in Cincinnati, Ohio. There I'm giving
a talk titled "Successes and challenges in LibreOffice user
documentation". If I manage to find time to do some slides, I'll share
them with you. Just before the OpenHelp Conference is a 2-day "sprint"
to develop an Open Source style guide. I mentioned this to you


In the unlikely event you run into trouble, I am only a few hours away and I am pretty easy to find if you can remember that I am in Ohio.

Hi :slight_smile:
Blimey!  All sounds like a very positive whirlwind!  it's great to hear LibreOffice docs team getting noticed out there!  I hope it went reasonably well
Congrats and regards from
Tom :slight_smile: