Alfresco CMIS access

Hi documentation team, David,

I'm just keeping you informed that the CMIS support in LibreOffice is
pretty well advanced in the future 3.6 and will already be usable as an
experimental feature.

In order for this to work with the TDF Alfresco repository, you'll need
to provide the link to the AtomPub CMIS binding from Alfresco (don't
hesitate to contact me if you need infos to find it).


Hi Cedric,

I have been watching the Open Office project looking at a way of getting involved. I am an Alfresco consultant and would be very interested in this feature.

Would be interested in getting involved if you were looking for help, e.g. testing.


Chris Davidson

Hi Christopher,

I have been watching the Open Office project looking at a way of
getting involved. I am an Alfresco consultant and would be very
interested in this feature.

Don't get confused here: this is not a feature for OpenOffice... only
LibreOffice has it.

Would be interested in getting involved if you were looking for help,
e.g. testing.

Testing will be useful, but not only for Alfresco :slight_smile: BTW I'm currently
testing against a local Alfresco (I was Alfresco consultant in a
previous life) and a local SharePoint 2010. Any other server type at
hand is welcomed too.

For testing, you'll need to grab the latest 3.6 beta installs or build
LibreOffice yourself.

Thanks for your testing offer, don't hesitate to ask for more infos.