Calc Guide 3.4

Chapter 3 of the guide has been uploaded to ODF Calc Drafts.
Chapter 4 now in progress.

The apostrophe!
Just curious here, but ...
Doing a search or a search and replace looking for the apostrophe used in 'contractions' like 'we'll', returns no hits, even when I'm sitting three lines above one. It finds the 'we', and it finds the 'll', but not the whole word, nor the apostrophe alone. Over-typing the apostrophe and doing the search finds it ok.
So I was just curious about what character is used for the apostrophe in the documents, if it's not U+0027.
As I said, just curious.


FYI, during the documentation styles cataloging I've started a few hours ago, I've noticed that not all paragraph styles have the same language defined. Some have EN (USA) while others have EN (Aus). Could this language thingy play the trick you're noticing?

Note also, that the FR apostrophe, for instance, is not U+0027 but U+2019. BTW, this can be (un)set in Tools / Autocorrect options / Localized Options, Single quotes.

Hi :slight_smile:
I've not tried this sort of thing with LibreOffice documentation but often have found it in other documents, usually websites.  Some types of characters are extremely prolific while other ones that would be nice to have are missed out of a font's range.  Both ways around it causes problems.

I'm surprised it crops up in LO documentation and also surprised to hear the language keeps switching.  One of the many reasons i prefer LO to MS Office is that it tends to stay with the style you started with instead of switching randomly for no apparent reason.

Regards from
Tom :slight_smile:

I can think of several reasons for the language changes. The main reason, I'm sure, is that most files have been worked on by many different people over the years (using OOo as well as LO), and each person may have different settings on their machine that find their way into the files. Not everyone uses the US English version of LO; some have worked on German, Italian, or other versions even though they write in English. Words and paragraphs get copied from one file to another... the styles have a long, convoluted history, some helpers have used manual formatting that was badly removed -- or not removed -- by others, etc etc.
