Finished reviewing Chapter 2 of Writer Guide


I have reviewed and uploaded Chapter 2 of the Writer Guide, "Setting Up Writer," to the ODFAuthors "feedback" section. I hope the upload was done correctly!

David Blymire

Yep, you did it correctly. I do have one question: in the comments on
the upload, you said, "Minor issues highlighted on pages 8 and 11." I
found the one on page 8 (good catch) but not on page 11. What am I
missing? Thanks!



At the bottom of Page 11, the text reads: "Alternatively, click the Edit button to open the Color dialog box, shown in Figure 11." It looked as though it should read "Figure 10," but maybe I misunderstood.

Another thing I wasn't clear about was that in my version of LO, (version 3.4.5 in Win XP), there were numerous gray shaded blocks randomly scattered through the text and in some captions. Was I seeing the remnant of previous editing marks? Just curious, for future reference.

-- David B.

The gray shaded blocks in the text and captions are usually
cross-reference fields, or they mark index entries. If you hover the
mouse cursor over any of these blocks, an indicator will usually pop
up, with some (often cryptic) info about what it is.
