Big Disaster

Sorry Guys

I was trying to sort out the problem with installing extensions (the
Template Changer) into LO3.5/LO3.4 and I inadvertently deleted all my
working user guide files and that includes all the graphic files for Impress
Chapters 1 to 5. I forgot to switch off my Dropbox folder, which is where I
keep my backup files, and the uninstallation program I use zapped Dropbox as
well. What makes it even worse is that my back up hard drive was not up to

I will download the copies off the wiki to re-establish a zip archive of the
graphic files.

Very red faced


Hi :slight_smile:
Ouch!!  I'm sure we have all been there many times too.  It happens.

It's sometimes possible recover the files from odd places like fairly recent versions in the wastebin, usb-sticks, emails, other computers, or get lucky with something like test-disk or other recovery programs (which almost never work anyway).

I generally find that something that took hours to create initially takes very little time 2nd time around because there are vague memories of decisions or reasons for decisions.

Still, i feel your loss!
Regards from
Tom :slight_smile:

Hi :slight_smile:
Ok, step 1 is to stop using the machine until you have a plan or have accepted the loss.

This wiki-page might help with any version of Gnu&Linux although it was specifically written for Ubuntu.
A lot of stuff in there might help even on Windows.
Regards from
Tom :slight_smile:

Log onto your Drop box account online, deleted files are kept there for
30 days.
You have to switch on the viewing of deleted files to see them. Then
you can restore them very easily.

Yes ... I love Dropbox :))

We even used it as our "poor man's ODF Authors" page in the beggining of
the Translation to portuguese (pt-br)
