Not continuing with ApacheOOo at this time

Those of you who are also on the ODFAuthors list will have noticed my
post saying that I am "burnt out and not interested in continuing"
with the Apache OOo project at this time. I've heard there is a rumour
going around that I left because a certain vociferous individual
insulted me. Not so. (If anyone insulted me, I'm too impervious to
have noticed.) I left because my attitude is: if I'm not having fun,
I'm not going to continue.

Anyway... although that means that in theory I have more time, don't
assume I'll spend that time here at LO Docs. Nothing against this
group; it's just that I have a zillion other things to do and I'm
going to do some of them. Besides, awhile ago I said I was going to
write a book on styles and templates... so perhaps I'll find some time
to do that.

Cheers, Jean

Hi :slight_smile:
Well sometimes the best thing you can get out of a project is yourself. It
sounds like they are where we were many months ago. Hopefully the arguments
there are due to passion for the project and/or the wider Apache Foundation and
will soon settle down [crosses fingers behind back]

Their loss is our gain even if it's not a 1:1 basis. A styles&templates book
would be fantastic and would help both projects.

Regards from
Tom :slight_smile: