Getting started guide - chapter 1


while translating, I found the following note in this chapter:

Under Microsoft Windows you can use either the LibreOffice Open and Save As dialogs or the ones provided by Microsoft Windows. See “Using the Open and Save As dialogs” on page 18.

You can find this note on page 17.

But my comment is, that even under Linux, I can choose if I want to use the LibreOffice dialogs or the Linux dialogs. There's not much of a difference between the two OSes. And I suspect, that you can choose also for BSDs and MacOS. So maybe this note should be removed? Or at leas reworded.


It should be reworded, I think, not removed. It was put in mainly so
Windows users wouldn't totally freak when they see the illustrations
in the books that use the LibO Open/Save dialogs, which are VERY
different from the standard Windows ones. I think the Mac dialogs are
quite different too.

Good catch, Sigrid. Thanks.
