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Hi all,

I need again help in unit tests.
I'm working on
That is continuation for
FILESAVE: PPTX: transparency gradient on solid fill is not considered in export
This part is about transparency in charts. I have (until now) three 
files to be examined, each with one problem. I have used assertXPath on 
the saved pptx file. I have expected to get /ppt/charts/chart1.xml in 
all three cases, but I get chart1.xml for the first file, chart2.xml for 
the second and chart3.xml for the third file. You see it in 
SdOOXMLExportTest1::testTdf128345Chart_CS_TG() in 
Why is it not chart1.xml in all cases? Do I miss something?
Are these numbers stable?
How can I force to get chart1.xml in the export to pptx?

I have used assertXPath, because I do not know, how to access a chart and its parts from the active document in a unit test. Any hint, how to directly get the start and end color of a transparency gradient of a data point, for example?

I have seen in 2541 Reference<drawing::XShape> xDataPointLabel1(getShapeByName(xShapes, 2542 "CID/MultiClick/CID/D=0:CS=0:CT=0:Series=0:DataLabels=:DataLabel=0"), UNO_SET_THROW);
How is the string build, what does it mean?

And a general review of the patch would be nice too.

Kind regards


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