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Ten computers, have not seen this behavior even though I want it on a few of them. Did not even 
know LO could do it.

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On Jun 9, 2020, 6:49 PM, at 6:49 PM, "Christoph Schäfer" <> wrote:

Gesendet: Dienstag, 09. Juni 2020 um 09:36 Uhr
Von: "Mike Kaganski" <>
An: "Christoph Schäfer" <>,
Betreff: Re: Forced Updates? WTF?

On 09.06.2020 3:22, Christoph Schäfer wrote:
I never thought this was possible with LO, but it looks like the
developers have chosen to override my default settings (notification,
but no automatic updates). Yet, an update from 6.3 to 6.4 (Windows 10)
has been enforced on me, which also led to data loss, as well as losing
the "Recently Used" entries in the File dialogue.

If this wasn't an attempt by Microsoft to damage LO (I'm on Windows
10), I have to ask: What the hell were you thinking?

This is unacceptable.
... so re-wording all that, "I don't know what had happened; and I
tell you all the details (like how had I installed LO in the first
- e.g. from MSI taken from TDF site, or from Windows Store); and
"helpful software" might be installed on my system helping to keep
software "up-to-date"; and I even don't know if that was some
decision, or a bug, - but I choose to be rude from start."

I doubt it being acceptable.


It's true, I don't know what happened. I originally installed LO via
the MSI installers from the TDF site, and I have no other "helpful
software" regarding updates on my computers. Oh, wait, on my laptop I
have installed a Windows update blocker, and yet the LO update happened
in the background. At least on the laptop the "Recently Used" list
wasn't lost, but the icon set reverted to the default setting. On my PC
even the list was lost, the icon set was also changed, and the document
restauration didn't work after the PC was forced to reboot, so I lost
some work.

If TDF is responsible for this (and I added a qualifier to my original
post), I actually consider this to be rude behaviour.


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