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Present: Olivier, Cor, Heiko
Comments: by many


 * Writer does not allow a user-set default view/zoom
   + option to override document zoom level
   => do it

 * Inserted file not displayed correctly (Numbering missing)
   + list style must not be ignored when pasting/inserting styled text
   + paste "1. Lorem" into a paragraph like "That didnt bode well" makes
     the paragraph a list, ie. "1. That didnt bode Lorem\n 2. well." 
     -> makes no sense
   + so just follow the recent decision and keep the source style when pasting
     at an empty paragraph, otherwise keep target's style
   + usually operation is done on an empty paragraph (Cor)
   => comment and fix the bug

 * Opentype features window is longer than screen size and it is difficult to reach
   ok/cancel buttons
   + three columns or scrollwindow
   + prefer scrollwindow (Cor, Olivier)
   => do it

 * Extend the marker line if tracked changes spans over the next paragraph
   + no objection, enhancement not a bug, low priority
   + line is interrupted by paragraph spacing
   => do it

 * Add ability to keep vector image and compress replacement image in image
   compression dialog
   + reason for
     + "Similarly to the SVG feature, the original vector image is stored in the 
       document, but when saving to ODF, a replacement PNG file is also generated to be
       backwards compatible with older ODF readers."
   + reading Miklos blog from comment #9, it looks as if
     + inserted PDF is represented with PNG,
       but choosing Save from Context menu allows to save as PDF again...
     + so would it be possible to do the same with inserted SVGs ?
     + could ask Miklos I think (Cor)
   + introduce a compatibility flag to switch conversion to raster graphic off?
   + any workflow with back and forth conversion of PNG<->SVG sounds weird (Heiko)
   => involve Miklos

 * Definition List (or Definition Index or Glossary) at the end of the page - EDITING
   + would be nice to have it more comfortable though but quite a lot of effort 
     and unclear if possible with the ODF
   + less comfortable options are using endnotes or 1st key of index entry
   + would be definitely a nice feature (Cor, Olivier)
   + would ODF specs have the room for this to be implemented?
     + ask Regina :) (Cor)
   + if we realize it it has to be done based on the current ODF specs (Heiko)
   => look at the competitor's way and take compatibility as prime
     + or ask for a good design from someone if we know ODF allows it to be implemented

 * Adopt new application icons for LibreOffice 7.0
   + seeking for opinions, see c8 (Heiko)
   + wouldn't change the app icons (Olivier)
   + let's gather the ideas first (Cor)
   => comments and input is always welcome

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