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Dear Tomaz,

Very good. The GN program is in Fortran, not so long (about 300 lines executable), and would need to be translated into whatever language you use. I could help checking that, however would need someone else to do 1st version, although we would discuss and agree upon a plan of action before proceeding.
What do you think?



On 4/17/2020 7:03 AM, Tomaž Vajngerl wrote:
Hi Guthrie,

On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 11:58 PM Guthrie Miller < <>> wrote:
    This is description of method:

Sure, it would be awesome to have a better non-linear solver in LO. I've implemented the experimental PSO based one, but just implemented it because it was an interesting algorithm. Otherwise I have not much clue about optimization.

    Guthrie Miller

Best regards, Tomaž


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