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Hi Pranesh,

Pranesh Ulleri schrieb am 26-Mar-20 um 17:21:
For this Google Summer of Code, I would like to contribute to the "Multi-color gradient". This is the link to the proposal that I have drafted. [ Link To The Draft ] <>. I request you to review this draft and give your valuable feedback.
It's wonderful that you want to take care of multi-color gradients. It's 
a complex issue. The members here on the mailing list have very 
different knowledge and skills. So don't hesitate to ask here on the 
list and maybe learn about completely different aspects.
For example, I work with the ODF file format. From this point of view 
you should know that the ODF file format has two completely different 
gradients [1].
One is the gradient defined by the element <draw:gradient>. It is 
implemented in LibreOffice, and the user interface belongs to this 
gradient. It allows only two colors, but has very different shapes of 
the gradient.
The other one is the gradient defined by the elements 
<svg:linearGradient> and <svg:radialGradient>. It allows multiple 
colors, but is not implemented yet.
For all solutions, not only internal handling and user interface have to 
be considered, but also how the style information can be stored in the file.
I wish you every success in your work.

Kind regards



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