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On 07/12/2019 11:37, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Only some unrelated Gerrit changes that happened to do their gerrit_mac builds on other machines failed, see e.g. <> on tb57, where: "checking whether Xcode is new enough... yes (9.3.1)".

It would IMO be ideal if all gerrit_mac machines used the same baseline setup.  Lacking that, please be careful when adding new includes of <o3tl/optional.hxx>, especially in widely used include files.

<> "After Update to 6.1.4 on macOS fonts are blurred on retina display (xcode 10)" is another example of how the mix of build environments not only across Gerrit Jenkins' gerrit_mac, but also extending to machines doing nightly builds and "official" TDF builds, is actively unhelpful:

I had done the change at <> under the naive assumption that all relevant build machines use Xcode 11 by now. For Gerrit Jenkins' gerrit_mac builders, this assumption was fueled by the fact that of the seven builders (<>), any that are not using Xcode 11 (e.g., tb57, see above; which I had meanwhile completely forgotten about) are presumably offline for quite a while now. For nightly builds, this assumption was fueled by the fact that the master build mentioned at <> was apparently done with Xcode 11.

Only when the one-off 6.3.5 build mentioned at <> did not match expectations did it become apparent that different build environments using different versions of Xcode are involved.


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