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Stephan Bergmann kirjoitti 17.2.2020 klo 12.59:
The current Xcode version appears to be 11.3.1.  I have no idea whether we would need/want to explicitly require Xcode 11.3 or be happy with just Xcode 11, but if we bump anyway it would probably make sense to bump to Xcode 11.3, just to be on the safe side.  (See the "whether Xcode is new enough" check in
For reference:

The cool thing is we would get support for std::any, ::optional and ::variant (added in Xcode 10).
Regarding C++20 support, the support table here is incomplete, but does 
have some stuff added:
If someone feels like doing some C++ colouring book work in the Apple 
Clang column, go ahead :) or email me your evidence of supported things 
and I will do it.


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